The San Luis Obispo Instrumental Music Boosters Association presents an afternoon of fundraising to benefit extra-curricular music scholarships for SLOHS Band members. Enjoy a lavish Afternoon Tea in a beautiful homeMusic provided by SLOHS band membersSilent Auction including items by local … [Read more...]
Football Game Fun
The SLO High Tiger Band keeps the crowd spirit up at all home football games in the fall. The band plays a pre-game show, then pep tunes until halftime when they take the field to entertain with a full field performance. After half time, it's even more fun as the band members get to share their … [Read more...]
Let’s Get Connected
With 80 students in the band this year and a busy fall schedule, we're going to use Charms Office Assistant, a powerful organization & management system, to provide you with information, music, forms, and calendars. Mrs. Jeskey has just placed on Charms the warm-ups for every section except for … [Read more...]
Pinedorado Days Parade
SLO High Tiger Band members put on a fantastic show for cheering crowds in the 2017 Pinedorado Days Parade on Saturday, Sept. 2, 2017. Marching through 85 degree heat, the band played strong and loud throughout the two-mile route. View a gallery of photos from the parade. … [Read more...]
Band Board 2017-2018
Welcome to Band! The Band Board this year is made up of Drum Major Noah Galambos, Band Board President Gus Billings, Christian Cueto, Sander Baxley, Emily Namfon Linstead, and Christine Chiang. After a successful band camp, the board is looking forward to an active marching season. We hope you … [Read more...]